Monday, July 29, 2013

playing catch-up

lately i have been so disconnected from life! morning sickness is seriously debilitating...even just a slight nausea is horrible. thank the heavens i don't have it nearly as bad this time around. maybe a boy?! i have been so so so so tired that hitting the keys the post has seemed like too much work.

everything is too much work.

my house is a mess.

my laundry is piled in the floor next to the hamper. because it's too full.

my bed is unmade every day. which boss man doesn't like.

my dishes are piled in the sink.

you get my drift. everything is getting done at snail speed or just simply not done at all. oh well. once this baby arrives my nap will be nonexistent so i am taking advantage. a few months of naps can't hurt that bad.

m has started the montessori summer program and she loves it. her teachers are fabulous and we couldn't be happier. the summer is a lot of days so we don't really love that part but once she starts in the Fall it will only be two mornings a week for 3 hours. perfect! mama can get errands done, the nursery going and her big girl room. im looking forward to the couple hours of time alone. it will allow for more play time with her :)

boss man and i celebrated our 3 year anniversary last week. we went to an awesome dinner at my most favorite place and of course, i was sick in the bathroom and couldn't hardly eat my dinner. i was devstated. i told boss that once i feel better we have to go back so i can eat all my food!!! after dinner we went to Tim McGraw at the biggest little fair, California Mid-State Fair. we really are lucky that it's only a few minutes from us. great artists come every year and having a corn dog....or two...ok maybe 4, is the best part. and a cinnamon roll. mmmmmmmm. i also went for a girls night to John Mayer and then we did family night for Van Halen. let's just say Tim was the best. and he is really easy to look at. like rrreeeeaaaallllyyyyy.

we've spent a few days at the water park. which we are also so lucky to have near by!! m has a blast every time. she is so brave going down the slides!!!

m's great grandpa had a birthday too. we went down for pizza and cake to celebrate. we don't see them often enough so it was a great visit.

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