Wednesday, December 31, 2014

see ya social media

i deleted my instagram account recently. and i'm not really sure how i feel about it. i miss it. my thumb automatically hits the photography icon on my phone and then heads for instagram app. but it's not there. i'll be honest, it happened about 30 times in the first few hours after i deleted it. seriously. that's code for #iamanaddict. ew. i was scrolling through at 3 am after rocking the boy. i was trolling while the kids napped. while i made dinner. in the car at a red light. it shouldn't be that way but i know it is for so many people. like, a lot.

it began to feel like a life competition. everyones pictures needed to be better than the post before. i found myself taking my phone places i wouldn't normally take it all because i thought maybe i'd take an instagram worthy photo. so. dumb. if someone didn't 'like' a picture, was it intentionally a stab? was the 'one-upper' really one-upping? or was she really just so damn sure that her life was perfect? am i the only one who feels this way?

i haven't used Facebook in years. the only reason i have an active account it for the mommy groups of friends i have. and thats the only way they invite to birthdays, playdates and party's. what happened to a phone call? text? email? snail mail? i get that is works for people. i get people love it and thinks it's the easier way to communicate. but what about the people who want to belong to these groups but hate social media? like me? i want to be at your play date! i want to go to your party! i love the friendship we have! but can you call me maybe?

there are for sure things i miss. i may even get it again. who knows. right now i am enjoying not knowing every single thing there is to know about everyone. because let's be honest; do we really care that you're at the park? or that you have a coffee? i'm going to guess not. and i totally think people don't care about our park adventures either. :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

she's 3!

every time i write a milestone blog, usually about a new age, i scream HOW? how is this possible? how is she 3 already?! well, whether i like it or not, she is. and to be totally honest, i like it. i like how 3 feels. i like how 3 looks on her. she's perfect. she says the darndest things. she has a new haircut. she's grown so tall. she loves her brother. she throws fits. she growls when she's pissed. (it's kinda funny but i try real hard not to laugh).

at 3, mila:

can count to 13
can write the letter M…and try's to write the rest of her name
knows her shapes and colors
enjoys doing flash cards
loves to paint and do anything artistic
loves to explore outside
is an outstanding dancer
is potty trained!
loves her friends and to go to school
is the biggest helper; especially in the kitchen
has a very kind, sensitive heart
can scooter like crazy
is afraid of masks and spooky things
but loves the fastest rides
loves her daddy with all her heart
her "song" is all about the bass. yes, we let her listen to a song that says bitches. and is about an ass.

we went to disneyland to celebrate our little girls birthday. the faster the ride the better! it brought us immense joy to hear her squeal with delight and burst with laughter as the rides whipped around, up and down. on the way home she said "mom, i had the best time. thank you dad!" ugh. my heart officially melted one more time. like it does on the daily. she's the best.

oh, and she now calls us mom & dad. i beg her to call me mama and she adamantly says "no mom". 3 going on 13…..