Wednesday, July 30, 2014

moving, potty training and more

two months is way too long to not write. there is too much that goes on in just a short time and definitely too much in over two months! we sold our house. we moved in with my parents. new things with the new house keep getting pushed back (anxiety!). we went to tahoe (heaven!) our big girl potty trained. our big (little) boy is army crawling. she is a rockstar and he is growing too fast. and she is sleeping in a big girl bed. whaaaa?!

how do these things happen?

this girl….seriously, she's a heart melter

 in our heaven

 m and her pop

 and these two, heartbreakers

we took our babies to a bar. and it was seriously fun.

our new home

holy cutie

our soccer stud. she rocks the soccer stance, can dribble a ball down the field and love to "score!"