m has turned 2. and it was such a great day. we celebrated by having brunch, cupcakes and gifts with our family. she loves each and every one of them so much. it was perfect.
at 2, m:
can count to 3
can take her clothes off by herself
can put on/take off velcro or slip on shoes by herself
loves preschool
loves her friends
loves to paint
loves to have her toes painted
loves her baby dolls and imaginative play
has the kindest heart
refers to herself in 3rd person
knows her emotions: mila is sad, mila is happy
loves telling people to be happy
can sing happy birthday
she will tell you she loves you. she misses you. and give you a hug. (heart melting…)
hates yogurt
loves the marching band
loves dancing. she slows down or speeds up when the beat changes. the girl has rhythm.
is surrounded by love...
and she cannot wait to be a big sister!
she weighs 28 lbs and is 30 inches tall. 75% for weight and 95% for height. yes, she is tall. just like her dada. out of 100 girls born on december 15th, there are only 5 taller than her. whoa. we've had our first ear infection and are (hopefully) healing on our own before the same pink fluid filled ear turns into #2.
we have had an amazing year loving this little girl. we've made so many memories as a family. i am looking forward to her spunky personality developing even more over year three and looking forward to watching her love her baby brother!
my bunco girls surprised me this month with a baby shower for duke. it was so fun! i am so lucky to have such great friends in so many circles. i cannot wait to meet the little guy and finish getting his room all together! it's proving to be a bigger project than anticipated but it's getting there. i think.