halloween. this girl had a ball. she chased all the big kids screaming "run run run!" "treat! thank you! bye!" such great memories were created.
vincent turned 1! it seems like he was just born yesterday. val is an amazing mama and i am so lucky to call her one of my best friends.

we went to jack creek farms for a little pumpkin adventure with our mommy and me friends. only 3 of us ended up making it but we had a blast. m picked the apples off the little tree, had apple cider, fed the little goats a cookie and did the haybale maze with Elsie.
we had a halloween play date with another group of mommies and babies. m insisted she wear my necklace the whole time. she is the cutest lady bug!
m's class at preschool. so sweet.
our new double stroller. we love it! m always wants to put her baby in the second seat and asks when d will be able to ride in it with her. she is going to be the best big sister. i really can't wait.
these two....they melt my heart.
and our latest trip to target resulted in the purchase of a pink christmas tree for m's room. with special little ornaments and lights, too. she loves it.