Our sweet little girl, 3 months already! The last 3 months have absolutely, hands down been the best of our lives. Laughter. Smiles. Poop. Spit up. Crying. The list of everyday changes goes on for miles. And I couldn't be happier.
We had quite the health scare with Mila. Spent a week at Sierra Vista running every test your mind can imagine and getting no answers in return. It was the toughest challenge our marriage has gone through. The amount of stress that is immediately dumped on you when your baby is sick is just unimaginable. We clung to each other in moments of wonder & pushed away when the worry was just too much. At the end of this trial, we came out stronger than ever and with a new love for our little girl....Also with lessons learned: life is so fragile and can be tested and taken from us at any moment. I am so THANKFUL for my family.

Mila is so full of life! And a wonderful baby. She has been a great sleeper from day one. I have been so lucky!!! And fearful that our next will be the opposite! At 11 weeks, she is rolling from front to back, grabbing for toys and if you put her in front of a mirror she will just laugh, smile and talk to herself all day! She thinks she is the bees-knees :) She isn't a big fan of her car seat. She adores being carried around in the Ergo Baby: we water, mow the lawn, take Roo for walks, make lunch...we do everything with her strapped to my chest.

This is Mila and Mr. Ben. Cady and I were pregnant together and due just a day apart. When we picked our day for cesarean, we thought for sure Cady would be late and the babies would be at least 2-3 weeks apart. Welp, life has it's own agenda and to my astonishment, Fritch was written on the board outside my room at the hospital. I waddled down the hall and sure enough, there Cady was in the throws of labor. Ben was born 2 days after Mila, right across the hall. We go for daily walks, shopping and have lots of Mommy/wine time together when the babies are sleeping. I absolutely love Cady and I am so lucky to have her in my life. She is a wonderful friend and we know it will be so fun to have the babies grow up together!