We are thrilled that the new year is driving ahead! 2010 was an amazing year full of life changes; some awesome and some a bit scary. We celebrated Thanksgiving by cooking our first turkey's for 18 of our friends! It was so much fun having everyone together. Holidays quickly came next and we spent them surrounded by family and had a birthday dinner with all friends near and dear. New years was celebrated with the Pera's and baby E. It was a blast-and we were tucked in tight by 9:30! Oh how things change :) Roo is going to be 1 and I can't believe we've had her for a year already. Trevor is loving every minute of his job and I am still doing some searching on that path. We have snow trips planned for the next few months and come Spring it will be weddings galore!

Thanksgiving Table

Christmas Eve.
Missing the husband at work :(

Christmas at the In-laws