My journey through life as a student has just about come to an end. There are only four weeks left in my college career and I can't help but to feel a bit nervous and lost. My role for the last six years, yes, I said six, has been a student. Filling out papers-circle student, having conversations-what do you do? Oh, I am a student.... Now what am I going to say? Graduate? Nothing? Wife? I will be proud to call myself Trevor's wife but I am not going to let that define me. A degree is such a huge accomplishment and I want to use it. I want to be able to say "I am a teacher." In my relationship with T, I am the student. We have decided that I am to focus on school to get the degree...I barely add any income to the household which is OK for the time being but what about when it isn't OK anymore?
I haven't applied for the credential program. I didn't pass the CSET by one point. ONE POINT! T keeps telling me to think of it as a great and expensive practice test. Ha. I guess it is a good point but still. Starting all over on something that takes like eight hours and sucks I can apply for the program online which costs almost double and takes longer but they will accept me without the CSET.
Being in the inbetween is torture. But, I am getting married, going on an amazing honeymoon and couldn't be happier. That day will be the best day of many in my life and I am thrilled it is coming up so quick. And who knows after that.